
My Kind of Lovely Partnership

Hi ya’ll! I hope everyone is having a good week so far.

Today, I have an exciting announcement to share! The sweet owners of My Kind of Lovely reached out to me a month or so ago and invited me to partner with them, yay! Of course I said yes because I am a big fan of all things MKL.

Fun fact: I interned with MKL during college and then accepted a job working at the Madisonville store after I graduated!

All that to say, I could not be more thrilled to partner with a small business that I truly love. Not only do they carry the best of the best but the owners are seriously the best of the best.

Be sure to use my code for 15% off your online order:


There are still a few left in stock of this tie dye top so be sure to add it to your cart ASAP! Also, have my eyes on this!

As this quarantine thing phases out lots of new arrivals will be dropping and the best way to stay in the know is by joining their My Kind of Lovely VIP group on Facebook. I highly recommend joining this group because it not only allow you first dibs on the newness but also allows for you to voice your choice on what they should bring to their shop!

Lastly, I will be docking all of my MKL partnership goodness on my Instagram highlights so be sure to peep that often.

This going to be fun y’all. Thanks for all the support!

xx KL